
These docs are intended for users who want to configure and deploy Jupyter Scheduler.

For installation and usage instructions, please refer to our user’s guide.

Server configuration#

You can configure the server extension to replace the Scheduler server API, replace the execution engine, re-create the database tables, and select a database path.


Setting this value to True will re-create the database tables on each JupyterLab start. This will destroy all existing data. It may be necessary if your database’s schema is out of date.

jupyter lab --SchedulerApp.drop_tables=True


The fully qualified URL of the database. For example, a SQLite database path will look like sqlite:///<database-file-path>.

jupyter lab --SchedulerApp.db_url=sqlite:///<database-file-path>


The fully qualified classname to use for the scheduler API. This class should extend jupyter_scheduler.scheduler.BaseScheduler and implement all abstract methods. The default class is jupyter_scheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.

jupyter lab --SchedulerApp.scheduler_class=jupyter_scheduler.scheduler.Scheduler

For more information on how to write a custom implementation, please to our developer’s guide.


The fully qualified classname to use for the environment manager. This class should extend jupyter_scheduler.environments.EnvironmentManager and implement all abstract methods. The default class is jupyter_scheduler.environments.CondaEnvironmentManager.

jupyter lab --SchedulerApp.environment_manager_class=jupyter_scheduler.environments.CondaEnvironmentManager

For more information on writing a custom implementation, please see the developer’s guide.


The fully qualified classname to use for the execution manager, the module that is responsible for reading the input file, executing and writing the output. This option lets you specify a custom execution engine without replacing the whole scheduler API. This class should extend jupyter_scheduler.executors.ExecutionManager and implement the execute method. The default class is jupyter_scheduler.executors.DefaultExecutionManager.

# This can be configured on the BaseScheduler class
jupyter lab --BaseScheduler.execution_manager_class=jupyter_scheduler.executors.DefaultExecutionManager

# Or, on the Scheduler class directly
jupyter lab --Scheduler.execution_manager_class=jupyter_scheduler.executors.DefaultExecutionManager

For more information on writing a custom implementation, please see the developer’s guide.


The fully qualified classname to use for the job files manager. This class should extend jupyter_scheduler.job_files_manager.JobFilesManager and implement all abstract methods. The default class is jupyter_scheduler.job_files_manager.JobFilesManager.

jupyter lab --SchedulerApp.job_files_manager_class=jupyter_scheduler.job_files_manager.JobFilesManager

For more information on writing a custom implementation, please see the developer’s guide.

Example: Capturing side effect files#

The default scheduler and execution manager classes do not capture side effect files (files that are created as a side effect of executing cells in a notebook) unless “Run job with input folder” is checked. The ArchivingScheduler and ArchivingExecutionManager classes do capture side effect files by default. If you intend to run notebooks that produce side effect files, you can use these classes by running:

jupyter lab \
  --SchedulerApp.scheduler_class=jupyter_scheduler.scheduler.ArchivingScheduler \

UI configuration#

You can configure the Jupyter Scheduler UI by installing a lab extension that both:

  1. Exports a plugin providing the Scheduler.IAdvancedOptions token.

  2. Disables the @jupyterlab/scheduler:IAdvancedOptions plugin.

This allows you to customize the “advanced options” shown in the “Create Job” form and the “Job Details” view (and the same form/view for job definitions).

For more information about writing a custom plugin, please see the developer’s guide.